ConsultJR provided Engineers to support Fulton Hogan in delivering Metro Treatment Plants Capital Works Programs on ... (read more)
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ConsultJR performed power system analyses and arc flash assessments for 26 LV switchboards across six sites ... (read more)
ConsultJR provided a detailed earthing system design and electromagnetic field (EMF) study to allow a thirty-story ... (read more)
CJR were engaged by the main electrical contractor, CV Services to provide preliminary switchboard designs, a ... (read more)
Enerflex Process Pty Ltd were engaged by Santos to design, supply and construct a self-contained power ... (read more)
Ramsay Health Care commissioned the upgrade of Substation ‘S’ to provide a reliable supply to the ... (read more)
ConsultJR provided the detailed electrical and control system design for design and construction of a new ... (read more)
ConsultJR progressed the HV connection of the Woolworths Heathwood 1.98MVA solar system to the Energex network, ... (read more)
ConsultJR provided detailed electrical design and engineering services for a major electrical infrastructure upgrade at this ... (read more)
From the desk of Principal Engineer Justin Read: “Judge a man by his questions rather than ... (read more)
ConsultJR provided detailed electrical design and engineering services for two major quarry developments in northern NSW. ... (read more)
CJR’s principal, Justin Read was GM Industrial at Pensar Utilities Pty Ltd in 2015 when this ... (read more)
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"They are approachable, willing to help us on projects that are "out of the box," and have been specific in making sure that we get the engineering outcomes we need..."
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